Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Getting things done

Emily has very quickly accrued a lot of jobs and they're keeping her pretty busy. But we've noticed that none of our posts on the blog are getting any comments so what I should really say is Emily has a job at Walmart and a job at Arby's.

Yeah. That's right. Her first job is just to mop up tears of all the people who shop and work there.
That is kind of a whole shift thing, but thankfully she mixes it up with tarp duty. You see occasionally ( and I use that word as playfully and flippantly as possible here) patrons of the Mart will burst right out of whatever makeshift spandex contraption they are passing as attire that day and it's Emily's job to rush in with a tarp to cover that which should always, always be covered.

Then of course there is the Breakroom disruption and overall morale managing (proof that getting a college education will take you far in life: MANAGEMENT!). It is her responsibility to make sure all games of Connect Four end in a tie, all rounds of Jenga end after the third turn and that nobody can turn down the television which is always blaring Judge Judy. But of course the bulk of her work focuses on following associates around and encouraging them to make their daily quota of 50 positive references to Walmart and the Walton family, whilst strongly discouraging conversations about their personal lives and things that make them happy.


Her second job with Arby's is mostly just making sandwiches.


My job has been pretty lame.

Slayed un dragon with a marker.

But I am hoping for some inspiration for my new book about keeping the buttons of your shirt in line with you belt buckle and the hitch of your pants/jeans. Our outing this weekend should provide me with ample opportunity to research.



  1. Post-marker crime scene = Score. Not only are you featuring Kris Kross in this post, but the Sega Genesis GAME cover! Ha! 10 out of 10%

  2. You obviously have way to much time on your hands. Those picture montages are GREAT!

  3. wal-mart was actually a fun job. believe that.

  4. Check youself at the door, gimme some more. gimme some more, gimme some more of you rolos.
