Saturday, November 7, 2009

"Saturday Night and I ain't got nobody"

Well...nobody delivering pizzas or anything like that. Also no one knocking on our door to give us money wrapped in chocolate. You know if you were a murderer that would probably be a good way to get caught.

I mean you're like, "Hey I brought you some chocolate. You should eat it. There isn't any poison or other things on the money so just eat it off and like it."

We're pretty happy today. Conferences for most of the morning but I got me some new glasses.
I can't find any cool pictures of them because we didn't take any and the actual frames won't be ready for a week but I will get them up because I know you're dying to see them.



  1. Emily & Ryan,
    We enjoy keeping up with you all via your blog. More pictures when you can. Thanks for keeping us in your loop.
    Love, Bob & Neva Marie

  2. Thanks for visiting our blog! we'll post again soon, I'm sure, since Ryan and I have a three-week Christmas vacation! Hurray for state universities and public schools!

  3. Hey,
    Heard Mom & Dad are to be headed your way!
    They are anxious to see you all and get some good weather. Enjoy!
    Love to you both,
    Bob & Neva Marie
