Friday, October 30, 2009

Can you wish someone a Happy Halloween in the Temple?

I feel something stirring in my tummy-town, it could be anticipation for the wonderful toasted raviolis Em is making right now, it may be the instant noodles and pickled cabbage I had for breakfast, but it just as easily could be determination to participate in our new initiative to write on our blog more often.

St. Louis family need not worry we don't plan on enjoying these raviolis at ALL! But we will eat them in the spirit of preparation for our December visit home.
I was going to write a whole lot more but this picture took to long and Emily fell asleep half-watching Sleepless In Seattle.

We played Racket Ball today. Yeah Emily tried to hit me in the face three times. Also she cheats. And Cheaters never prosper, as can be seen from Emily's eye tonight at 11:20. She was so tuckered out she went to be before me.

Halloween tomorrow. We made plans to have our friends the Stinochers over to play Beatles Rock Band, interspersed by bouts of terrorizing neighborhood children and candy eating.
(ps who does Paul think he is? No shirt, no shoes=Tetanus)

We're Americans.
Today we went to the Mesa Temple and reveled in the chance to get away from the stresses of this week and take solace in the peace and stillness of that place. As we were leaving Emily said goodbye to a woman she met today and after wishing her a good weekend she said, "Happy Halloween." We then turned to each with this face:

and wondered if wishing someone a Happy Celebration of Death, Ghouls, Spirits, Monsters (and for some reason a slutty version of every single costume idea you can think of) Day was appropriate as we left the Lord's House...

But then we remembered that Halloween is ALL about candy and we felt pretty good about ourselves.



  1. Awesome. We want to be buried in candy too!

  2. heh, beings that i lost touch with you a long time ago. i took the liberty of reading through your blog. i love blogs! and i am really happy for you. you two look perfect together, and all your artistry is delightful. may you have many wonder years together and even more delightful artist children in the future! merry be, and bless you both!
