Monday, August 31, 2009

New House! New Everything!

Arizona is hot. Dry hot. Like someone is throwing a hot, wool blanket on top of you as soon as you walk out the door. But, the heat aside, it's really quite beautiful. There are far more leafy trees here than I anticipated, and the cacti are very brightly colored. It's definitely different, but we love it.

The new house is almost completely put together. Two weeks isn't so bad, right? We got the kitchen, living room and bedroom painted, and all of our furniture moved in. Ryan put together our final pieces today: our coffee table and desk/bookshelf.

The only thing we need to do now is finish unpacking all of the boxes in our office/second room!
When it's all assembled I'll take you all through the house, pictures and all :)

Work-wise, Ryan has started back at ASU, and I'm writing an Arts & Craft column for Phoenix, Arizona's I'm not making much ($0.01 per page view, ha ha) but it's nice to be writing.

Tonight I made lentil & brown rice tacos, which we ate with spinach, salsa, sour creme and cheese. Oh man. It was so good.


Until next time!

Emily & Ryan