Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Counting down...

May is never coming and May is approaching at warp speed. With only 2 months-ish between the now and the wedding, I'm feeling surprisingly calm. And yet...unnerved...

Isn't there something I should be doing? I mean, planning a wedding is a big deal, right? I shouldn't have finished already...

Location?... check.
Reception hall?... check...
Caterer?... really? Ok... check.
Cake!... check!
Wedding party?... All members have been requested and have accepted the call! To be fair it wasn't a big feat on their parts, I mean... Ryan and I made it really easy on them by being so totally awesome.
Photographer? ...check! I hope...I haven't really heard from her in a while...

What is missing? Oh geez. Flowers. Haven't done that part yet. And the whole planning the actual day of the wedding hasn't happened either, but to be fair, if I plan anything now it will just fall apart in 2 months, so I've chosen not to.

Does anyone know anything about wedding flowers? Does anyone know where I can get free, living and beautiful flowers? Because that would be amazing.

Also, Ryan is doing an awesome job getting all of those other things taken care of. Man! I love him!

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